Jesus for Sceptics - Alan Stewart, Gordon Cheng - Leaflet
  • Jesus for Sceptics - Alan Stewart, Gordon Cheng - Leaflet
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Jesus for Sceptics - Alan Stewart, Gordon Cheng - Leaflet

In the age of The Da Vinci Code and Richard Dawkins, it can be difficult to explain the gospel when all your attempts are met with a heavy dose of scepticism. But are the people you talk to really sceptics, or have they just closed their minds to the evidence?

Jesus for Sceptics is a tract that is perfect for Easter or any other evangelistic opportunity. It explains that a healthy dose of scepticism can be a good thing, because a true sceptic will look at the evidence and weigh it up for themselves, rather than taking someone else's word for it, or closing their mind to it. It also explains why Jesus' death and resurrection are of such momentous significance.

Product Code: js
ISBN: 9781921068010
Title: Jesus for Sceptics
Author: Alan Stewart, Gordon Cheng
Format: Leaflet
Category: Christian Tract
Sub Category: Evangelism
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